TrustPass working on stadium security software

Empowering Event Organizers with World-Class Biometrics

Supported by Innovatrics, one of the leading biometrics technology providers

People watching football game on stadium

The Story of TrustPass

The idea of TrustPass originated with a casual conversation about football between the two co-founders, both passionate about sports and regular attendees of live games. While enjoying the atmosphere, they couldn’t ignore the hassles and inconveniences surrounding these events.

At the time, both co-founders were part of Innovatrics, a leading biometric company in Slovakia. As a matter of fact, the founders brainstormed how they could leverage biometric technology and solve the pertaining issues at sport games. They both recognized an opportunity in utilizing facial biometrics as a powerful modality to enhance and revolutionize the fan experience at venues. Their vision was to empower organizers, providing them with ultimate fan experience solution – crafted by sports experts for sports clubs, harnessing deep understanding of the industry’s needs.

Pursuing their vision, the founders tested the market and developed a strong roadmap for a company with aspirations to become a global leader in delivering software that enhances the fan experience at live events. This initiative has found support within Biometric Ventures, and marked the inception of TrustPass, a spinoff company of Innovatrics.

Meet Our Leadership Team

Co-Founder & CEO of TrustPass - Daniel Križan
Daniel Križan

Co-Founder & CEO

Co-Founder & COO of TrustPass - Roman Ševec
Roman Ševec

Co-Founder & COO

Account manager of TrustPass - Julien Lanssens
Julien Lanssens

Account Manager

Data Analyst of TrustPass - Anastasia Rashevskaya
Anastasia Rashevskaya

Data Analyst

We Bring Innovation to Events

For Event Organizers

TrustPass revolutionizes event management with its biometric software, allowing organizers to verify attendees, putting an end to anonymous entries. This solution provides personalized data for optimizing marketing campaigns. On top of that, event organizers can now ensure complete security and keep 100% of their revenue.

For Event Visitors

We change the whole gameday experience for attendees who can enjoy a seamless journey from ticket purchase all the way to entering the venue and enjoying the action. Fans can simply enter the stadium using their face without the need for mobile or paper tickets. Just imagine reaching your seat in less than two minutes without stopping.

Our Values


We say go big or go home! At TrustPass nothing is impossible. Every challenge has a solution and we enjoy finding and delivering it.


Our team members lead by example and are prompted to think out of the box. There is no single way to approach a problem, every entrepreneurial way is a good way.


We want everyone to dare to take risks and bring unconventional ideas. Team members get the credit but also need to take responsibility when mistakes are made.


TrustPass ensures open communication with all stakeholders, trying to obtain common objectives. The team has the freedom to speak up and challenge others at any time.

Constant Growth

We hope for every team member to strive for constant personal and professional growth. TrustPass wants to challenge the status quo and so should every individual within the team.


TrustPass true strength is its teamwork. Every person should have a sense of belonging and contribution to the common goal.

We’re Leaders in Biometric Privacy

TrustPass is dedicated to responsible facial authentication, focusing on security, privacy, and user consent. Our system is distinct from broad-scale facial recognition as it operates on an opt-in basis. Only after users choose to engage with TrustPass are their encrypted facial patterns used to confirm identity for access. This secure, ethical approach ensures privacy, with data ownership retained by customers, and no indiscriminate surveillance, fostering trust and safety in every interaction.

Facial recognition privacy approach


Football player nudging visitors to send us their inquiries

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